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Hotels in southern Costa Rica.

Hotels in southern costa ricaBook Hotels, activities and transport in one single place.

Here you will be able to book directly with the hotel owner the room you need, but you also will be able to see features, photos, check the discount offered by hotel owners and more.

This list is filled up by the same hotel owners, for that reason in most of the cases prices are right and descriptions, but some times no.

Hotel listing Features

Here you will see the Hotels in the southern area and each hotel have description, photos, map with exact location, you can book activities (from other companies in the same area) and transport (from the Car rental companies in the southern area).

 Honeymoon (141)
 Adventure (157)
 Luxury (56)
 Golf-Spa (3)
 Families (165)
 Hiking (97)
 Bird Watching (100)
 Beach (109)
 Aquatic (41)
 Ecotourism (109)
 Mountains (81)
 All Inclusive (26)
 Other (0)
 All (193).
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Mountain Hotel and Spa, hall for special events and meetings, archaeological tour and very closet to de Cerro ...
City: Perez Zeledon
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Bird Watching, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Standard,


Olives Hotel in Paso Canoas offers lodging in a family atmosphere with personalized attention. Forget about yo...
City: Paso Canoas
Theme: Families,
Budget: Standard,
South Diquis is a wonderful tourist resort in southern Costa Rica in Ojochal, a magical paradise with an excel...
City: Osa
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Standard, Economic, Luxury,
We are located in Hermosa Beach, offers a resort experience with an ecological environment incredible wildlif...
City: Playa Hermosa
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism,
Budget: Standard, Economic, Luxury,
Hotel and Restaurant in Paso Canoas Azteca If you are visiting from Paso Canoas or plan your vacation and shop...
City: Paso Canoas
Theme: Families,
Budget: Standard, Economic,
Quebrada Grande Hotel A resting place surrounded by Nature, located where you can easily navigate to any magi...
City: Palmar Norte
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Economic,
It is a perfect place to rest beside the best sunsets that gives us the country's south coast...
City: Uvita
Theme: Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Mountains, Other,
Budget: Standard,
If you buy a nigh in our hotel we will give you tikets to visit the Waterfall...
City: Uvita
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism, Mountains, Other,
Budget: Standard, Economic,


Welcome to Hotel Bear in Ojochal ready to meet the different beaches, Windows, Piñuelas, Ballena Marin...
City: Ojochal
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism,
Budget: Standard,
Welcome to Hotel Osa in Palmar Norte Stop and take a break !!! This is where you will find what you are looki...
City: Palmar Norte
Theme: Families,
Budget: Standard,



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