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Cabins in southern Costa Rica - Full list of Cabins in southern Costa Rica with prices & characteristics. 4 10 3
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Cabins in southern Costa Rica.

Cabins in southern costa ricaBook cabins, activities and transport in one single place.

Here you will be able to book directly with the hotel owner the room you need, but you also will be able to see features, photos, check the discount offered by hotel owners and more.

This list is filled up by the same hotel owners, for that reason in most of the cases prices are right and descriptions, but some times no.

Cabin listing Features

Here you will see the cabins in the southern area and each hotel have description, photos, map with exact location, you can book activities (from other companies in the same area) and transport (from the Car rental companies in the southern area).

 Honeymoon (79)
 Adventure (99)
 Luxury (11)
 Golf-Spa (3)
 Families (95)
 Hiking (63)
 Bird Watching (60)
 Beach (71)
 Aquatic (23)
 Ecotourism (61)
 Mountains (47)
 All Inclusive (10)
 Other (0)
 All (124).
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Comfortable cabins in Bahia Drake. Restaurant service. Wonderful views of the Pacific ocean that can be enjoye...
City: Bahia Drake
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Standard,
Los Lagos Lodge is your best choice for vacationing in the mountains. Meet the beautiful area of "Los Santos...
City: San Gerardo Dota
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Standard,
Palms Cabins Beachfront in Puerto Jimenez, Golfito. Puntarenas Costa Rica. Serving the tourist, private and p...
City: Puerto Jimenez
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Economic,
Sueños del Bosque Lodge. Located in San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica. Cabins surrounded by splendid mou...
City: San Gerardo Dota
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Aquatic, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Standard,
Camping & Cabins Luciernaga: An experience of ecological education. Golfo Dulce in Playa Blanca in Puerto Jime...
City: Puerto Jimenez
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Economic,
Mountain lodge built in harmony with the environment. Comfortable rooms with warm atmosphere surrounded esplen...
City: San Gerardo Dota
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Mountains,
Budget: Standard,
In the South Pacific about 1 1/2 mile you will find in Coronado Villas Mango Tree Spa. ...
City: Uvita
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Golf Spa, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Ecotourism, Mountains,
Budget: Standard,
Cabins in Puerto Jimenez a comfortable place to rest....
City: Puerto Jimenez
Theme: Adventure, Bird Watching, Beach, Families, Hiking, Honeymoon,
Budget: Economic,
Cabinas Jade Mar is located on the Osa Peninsula Drake Bay Costa Rica. The hotel offers rooms and cottages wit...
City: Bahia Drake
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Beach, Aquatic,
Budget: Economic,
Fully equipped cabins 100 meters from the beach with sea view, air conditioning, television, the best place to...
City: Dominical
Theme: Adventure, Beach, Families, Hiking, Honeymoon,



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