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Hotels in southern Costa Rica.

Hotels in southern costa ricaBook Hotels, activities and transport in one single place.

Here you will be able to book directly with the hotel owner the room you need, but you also will be able to see features, photos, check the discount offered by hotel owners and more.

This list is filled up by the same hotel owners, for that reason in most of the cases prices are right and descriptions, but some times no.

Hotel listing Features

Here you will see the Hotels in the southern area and each hotel have description, photos, map with exact location, you can book activities (from other companies in the same area) and transport (from the Car rental companies in the southern area).

 Honeymoon (141)
 Adventure (157)
 Luxury (56)
 Golf-Spa (3)
 Families (165)
 Hiking (97)
 Bird Watching (100)
 Beach (109)
 Aquatic (41)
 Ecotourism (109)
 Mountains (81)
 All Inclusive (26)
 Other (0)
 All (193).
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It is a perfect place to rest beside the best sunsets that gives us the country's south coast...
City: Uvita
Theme: Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Mountains, Other,
Budget: Standard,
If you buy a nigh in our hotel we will give you tikets to visit the Waterfall...
City: Uvita
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism, Mountains, Other,
Budget: Standard, Economic,


Welcome to Hotel Catalina Hotel is located right on beautiful Jaco Beach, Costa Rica. With a quiet and relaxin...
City: Jaco
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism,
Budget: Standard,
Un Hotel boutique con un estilo individual en Uvita,brinda a sus clientes una mayor comodidad personal, satisf...
City: Uvita
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Families, Bird Watching, Beach, Mountains,
Budget: Standard, Luxury,
Hidalgo offers cozy cabins with air conditioning and hot water at an affordable price. We are 5 minutes walk f...
City: Ojochal
Theme: Adventure, Bird Watching, Whale Watching, Beach, Families,
Budget: Economic,
You see why we fell in love with the lush tropical environment, abundant wildlife and quiet that is about real...
City: Quepos
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Aquatic, Ecotourism,
Budget: Standard,
Parador Hotel Spa and Resort: Focus on the Protection of Nature, with first-class facilities, offers activitie...
City: Manuel Antonio
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Luxury, Golf Spa, Families, Hiking, Bird Watching, Beach, Ecotourism,
Budget: Standard, Economic,
Fortuna Verde Hotel- Custom Services specializes in Accommodation, Eco Tourism -300 m north of La Fortun...
City: Villa Neily
Theme: Honeymoon, Adventure, Families, Bird Watching, Ecotourism,
Budget: Standard,
our food, hospitality and accommodation are unrivaled. Original location of Rafiki and our "little touch of Af...
City: Quepos
Theme: Aquatic, Adventure, Bird Watching, Ecotourism, Families, Hiking, Honeymoon, Luxury,
Budget: Standard,
Welcome to Drake Bay Southern Zone of Costa Rica! Osa Peninsula: The most biologically intense place on eart...
City: Bahia Drake
Theme: Adventure, Bird Watching, Beach, Ecotourism, Families, Hiking,
Budget: Standard,



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