Restaurant in Uvita

Marino Ballena Restaurant has a varied menu of dishes, among them we mention: meats, seafood, fish, rice, pasta and more.
Marino Ballena restaurant opened its doors to the dining in 2002, on the edge of National Park eponymous name, and since then became the first restaurant in the area.
It is administered po Delgado Castillo family.
Marino Ballena restaurant provides jobs to people of the area and surrounding areas and is an important source of livelihood for the local economy, from 6:00 am to 10: pm
We service conference room for up to 30 people, ideal for training, conferences, weddings, business meetings, with air conditioning and with the delicious food that characterizes our restaurant.
Our Bar always pleased with their cocktails and mouths.
All the following prices are in Costarican Colones.
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Restaurant in Uvita
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