Rio Claro is a small town developed alongside the Pan American Highway and is at the intersection that goes to Golfito.

Rio Claro


Río Claro is part of the Canton of Golfito. The political and administrative division of Costa Rica is defined by provinces, such as, San José, Alajuela, Cartago, Heredia, Guanacaste, Puntarenas and Limón. These provinces, at the same time are divided in cantons and districts. In the administrative aspect, the Puntarenas province has the following cantons : Puntarenas, Esparza, Buenos Aires, Montes de Oro, Osa, Aguirre, Golfito, Coto Brus, Parrita, Corredores y Garabito. The canton of Corredores has a surface of 567 square kilometers and it is subdivided in the following districts: Corredor, La Cuesta, Canoas and Laurel.


Road Distances


Río Claro is a little village that has been developed in the turnpike from the Carretera Interamericana to Golfito or to La Cuesta.

Tourism in Rio Claro

Río Claro is a strategic center that is used as a lodging place which is chose by those that go shopping to Golfito or Paso Canoas, and this is because Río Claro is only a half hour away from Golfito and also a half hour away from Paso Canoas, and the visitor can go to any of both places in the time and in the way that he wants. In Río Claro you will find at least four options of lodging (Conechan Cabins, Pérez Cabins, Impala Hotel and Vicky Cabins) where you can spend one night. There are also many restaurants where you can enjoy delicious food. Near from Río Claro there are also some tourism centers that can offer to the visitor a nice place to spend the day. Between the services that these centers offers we can name the swimming pools, soccer places, green zones, and restaurants.

In the summer you can enjoy of the visit of any of the crystal water deep parts that are formed in the rivers that are near (it is really wonderful the warm and crystal water of them) You only have to ask about them, and you can be sure that there is one of this places near from the location in which you are staying, and you can go to enjoy it without have to pay anything. There is crystal water and its temperature is very nice and the beauty of all the picture can not be compared with another experience. The same situation happens with the waterfalls that are in this zone. They are really relaxing.

You must not forget that Río Claro is very near from Golfito where it is very important the sporting fishing, even, there are zones very near from here where has been registered excellent records of fishing, either in the size as in the quantity. (More information can be located in the activities section of this same web site). You can also dedicate a day to spend to discover the very beautiful beaches of Zancudo (where I have spent the most beautiful vacations because of the scenic pictures that they have, and also because of the many tourism options), another option is to visit is Playa Pavones – Pavones Beach - (which is excellent for those who love surfing). Besides, you can visit Puerto Jiménez (it is only one hour and a half away from Golfito if you go by boat) and from there you can travel to the Parque Nacional de Corcovado (National Park of Corcovado). By the other hand, also near from Golfito, it is the Reserva Indigena Guaymie de Conte Brunca (Native Guaymie Reserve of Conte Brunca) and the Reserva Nacional Silvestre de Golfito (National Wild Reserve of Golfito). About all these places you can find a complete information in this web site, in the activities section, Beaches and Protected Zones.

Map where Rio Claro is located

Transportation options to Rio Claro

Bus Schedule, Plane Schedule, Rent a Car services, Taxi.

Hotels options in Rio Claro

Rio Claro Economy

Few of the inhabitants of Río Claro are dedicated to the commerce work in the few stores that exists. Lately, the commerce arose and now there are two shoes stores, one agency of the Banco Nacional (National Bank), three bars and many cabins, hotels and restaurants ready to receive the visit of the tourists that approach the border or Golfito. Many of the inhabitants of Río Claro work in some places of Villa Neily and Golfito, so they must travel each day at least thirty minutes to go to their work destination. Many other are dedicated to sow the African palm, the bananas, the cocoa, the rice, the corn, the beans, the vegetables and the sorghum.

Available Services in Rio Claro

In the village of Río Claro there is an agency of the Banco Nacional (National Bank), Schools, fuel station, stores, hardware shop, home supplies store, restaurants, drugstore, hotels, cabins, supermarket and bakery. Regarding to the Professional Services, it is also possible to find in Río Claro the services of lawyer, dentist and other.

Rio Claro Geography

Río Claro is a very little and flat village, that borders with the “Fila Brunqueña”. Its soil is fertile, its climate is damp or wet with great raining times in the wet season. The zone has a lot of rivers and streams.

Rio Claro Climate, height and temperature

The climate is wet and the temperatures go yearly between the 25 and the 35 C.

For more information about Rio Claro Options and Business, please visit the Rio Claro Portal.

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