Diamond Sustainable Rural Tourism

Diamond Sustainable Rural Tourism invites you to be part of special tours "a piece of heaven on earth", where the scenic beauty of the place, harmony and splendor unite in all its magnitude.


"Sustainable Rural Tourism Diamond" with the aim of developing a community program to develop rural tourism, environmental education, training and sustainability gradually and systematically through the promotion and direct participation of an integrated community in skilled and educated coexistence respect, harmony with nature and showing Costa Rica and the world the natural beauty of the area and the hospitality of its inhabitants.
DAILY TOURS, ENJOY OUR COMFORTABLE AND AFFORDABLE PRICES START YEAR, we fit your budget. We are located in Baru Perez Zeledon:
"Diamond Valley" is a special place for many activities since its location, scenic beauty natural, mountains, jungles, rivers, nearby beaches, waterfalls, its people and everything put together combine to create an atmosphere of peace, harmony, relaxation, adventure, tranquility and more ...... definitely have to visit, we hope you visit us.
· Tours on horseback or hiking small, attractive,
· Accommodation,
· Tours Naturalist,
· Tours of rural activities, nearby beaches, jungle, rivers, meals and much more ..
· Tour A La Finca El Trapiche The Ceibo, "Sustainable Rural Tourism Diamond"
· Visit Diamond Naturalist Guided Experiment Station
· Sunrise On The Beach
· A Waterfall Tour Baru Rouse Family Of Iris
We are a community organized and with a great desire to show to Costa Rica and the world the beauty of our Diamond Valley through tours, guided naturalist tours and other activities in harmony, with a great respect for nature and the whole environment.
Our visitors will provide holidaymakers with tourism accommodation mode of family life, where you can stay at house and cabins in the community served by Costa Rican families which become their hosts and servers.
We are located in the communities of San Salvador and the tombs of Baru, Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica.
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