Review Pizzeria and Restaurant Gabriel

Category: Gourmet Restaurant. Overall Rating: Good. Parking: Has a safe area and ample parking. Extra attractions: Playground for children.

Review: Pizzeria and Restaurant Gabriel

Category: Gourmet Restaurant.

Overall Rating: Good.

Parking: Has a safe area and ample parking.

Extra attractions: Playground for children.

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Pizzeria Gabriel is a family place renowned, being located in San Isidro downtown, makes it accessible to almost everyone, attention is good and the variety of pizzas is satisfactory, also they offer a variety of other dining options as rice , pastas and salads.

The pizza is thick paste, which is not my favorite. The taste is acceptable and the delivery time of the dish is pretty good.

One of the reasons mainly chose this option is that it has a play ground for children, where there are pool balls, plastic pipes and other attractions for children in a safe space and allows be supervised by parents.

Also, the proximity and space to park are attractions of the place.

The original one is in the Plaza Rio Seco, it has a good atmosphere and have never had any incident, except a little difficulty finding the light switch in the toilet.

In the new store, which opened about a month ago, the second floor was still not ready and the toilet was troubled, plus the Pizza Hawaiian we love (with pineapple but no coconut), they forgot that it should be without coconut and then we were in need of change it, when we meditate that would last more, we ask please let us leave it and bring a salad for who could not eat coconut, with the consequent extra expense it was loaded.

I should mention that the table was full of dust and pebbles, I guess it could be because they are still completing renovations or because the proximity of the road generates a lot of dust.

The treatment was very nice and the Pizza looked exactly like in the other restaurant.

Price: The price is affordable, family Pizza is around 7500 colones ( $15 USA), plus soft drink, usually they have offers in extra large pizzas plus sodas.

Location: Local 1: In the Rio Seco shopping center, next to the courts in PZ.

Local 2: From the Bridge of San Isidro River going south, 100m to the right side in the Panamerican Highway.

Service: The waiters are nice and good treatment, the delivery time of the dishes is acceptable and around 20 min.

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  • Food Type
  • Italian food
  • Pizza
  • Fast food
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  • Perez Zeledon
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