Tourism Strengthening to Take Place in Pérez Zeledón

Pérez Zeledón will be the meeting point of a reunion in which the main objective is to strengthen rural, comunity tourism.

Pérez Zeledón will be the meeting point for a reunion which has the objective of strengthening rural community tourism. This will take place in December, and three days have been allocated for it, which are the 10th, 11th, and 12th. This reunion is being organized by Cooprena and Simbiosis R. L.


The focal point of the reunion is to learn more about sales techniques and virtual marketing; two very important aspects needed for any touristic company. There will be several topics that will be developed relating to these aspects, such as marketing plans, strategic marketing, consumer behavior, and electronic marketing. Twenty five entrepreneurs will be attending, and they will be instructed by Jessica García.


For a country like Costa Rica, in which there is so much natural beauty and so many attractions, this is an important reunion that can help others to learn about what goes on in this wonderful country and so they can get to know it better. The more tourists know about a country, the more likely it will be that they will make a decision as to whether they want to visit or not.


Three days may seem like a lot for some; however, with such a crucial topic for today’s tourism, it is actually very little. Nonetheless, in these three days, the entrepreneur who will be attending should learn many aspects that will help them to strengthen tourism, which in turn will benefit those who are planning on visiting the country in any near or distant future.

Tres días les puede parecer mucho para algunas personas, pero con un tema tan crucial como lo es el turismo, en realidad es poco. Sin embargo, in esos tres días, los emprendedores que atenderán deberán aprender muchos aspectos que les ayudará a fortalecer el turismo, lo cual también beneficiará a los que planean visitar al país en un futuro cercano o lejano.

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