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Cabins in southern Costa Rica.

Cabins in southern costa ricaBook cabins, activities and transport in one single place.

Here you will be able to book directly with the hotel owner the room you need, but you also will be able to see features, photos, check the discount offered by hotel owners and more.

This list is filled up by the same hotel owners, for that reason in most of the cases prices are right and descriptions, but some times no.

Cabin listing Features

Here you will see the cabins in the southern area and each hotel have description, photos, map with exact location, you can book activities (from other companies in the same area) and transport (from the Car rental companies in the southern area).

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Comfortable cabins with private parking very secure and excellent service. Located in Palmar Norte, Puntarena...
City: Palmar Norte
Theme: Honeymoon, Families, Ecotourism,
Budget: Economic,
U$D 20

If you are looking for, comfort, safety, good health and economy ... In Palmar Norte YELLOW HOUSE CABINS find ...
City: Palmar Norte
Theme: Adventure,
Budget: Economic,
U$D 10

Cabins Hong Kong in Palmar Norte. Near the border with Panama and Free Deposit of Golfito We offer conforth, ...
City: Palmar Norte
Theme: Adventure,
Budget: Standard, Economic,
We are located in Palmar Norte front of the Interamerican road and have wide parking area....
City: Palmar Norte
Theme: Adventure,
Number of rooms similar to this one your are adding now: 0
Price of extra person in room, Please not use decimals: 0
Budget: Standard, Economic,
Built cabins, cozy rustic style with friendly atmosphere. Located in the center of Palmar Norte.A less than 4...
City: Palmar Norte
Theme: Adventure,
Budget: Economic,
U$D 15



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